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After School Programs

Fun, exciting, educational mornings and afternoons await your child here. The After School program for school-age students is customizable and focuses on goal-setting and reflection, complemented by homework support, team-building opportunities and physical activity. With a fun mix of independent and organized activities, education and recreation opportunities our program offers an engaging experience for all students, while adding order and routine to their mornings and afternoons.


Student-led and Teacher-led afternoon activities and small-group experiences in team-building games, story-telling, drama, music, dance, art and design promote collaboration and self-reflection. Children learn about:

  • Independence

  • Conscious reflection

  • Personal responsibility

  • Sense of community


Physical challenges, as well as large-motor and team-building activities outdoors, keep students fit and healthy, setting them on a path to:

  • Developing healthy habits for life

  • Reducing anxiety and stress

  • Boosting self-esteem


We encourage organization, responsibility, compassion and self-awareness in a structured, supportive environment for doing homework which facilitates:

  • Organization

  • Responsibility

  • Self-awareness


Clean and Green

  • Cleanliness is vital, so we take significant precautions to keep bacteria and other contaminants at bay.

  • In the infant areas, all teachers and staff wear booties and gloves as needed to limit the spread of germs.

  • All spaces that children come in contact with are regularly disinfected including toys/books.

  • Every attempt is made to recycle all plastic and paper products in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint.

  • Food preparation is done on a daily basis.


Safety FIRST

  • Providing a safe, secure environment is our first priority. We make every effort to keep your child safe, happy and healthy.

  • Every location has procedures and standards that are strictly enforced.

  • Secure lobby and classroom. All visitors are greeted at the door to sign in and be assisted by a staff member.

  • Visitor precautions. Photo ID is required from all unfamiliar visitors. A visitor listed as authorized to pick up a child must still show photo ID if they are not familiar to the school director and/or assistant director.

  • Equipment safety. One of our many precautions is “non-tippable,” child-sized tables. All electrical outlets are baby-proofed. 


Nutritional Focus

  • Menus include a variety of foods which meet daily nutritional needs and satisfy licensing requirements. When substitutions are necessary, we’ll maintain the nutritional content of the overall menu and post updates so you know what’s been served each day. Meals include fresh vegetables and fruits, nonfat or low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheeses), lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish, lean hamburger), and whole grain cereals and bread.

  • Meals are served hot and fresh family style which includes your child assisting in areas such as: table setting, food serving and/or cleaning up.

  • View the sample weekly menu that offers examples of the healthy options we offer for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks. 

  • We encourage children to sample new foods and taste what is being served. However, we cannot require children to eat or force them if they choose not to eat all foods served. Please speak with your school director if you have specific concerns because of:

  • Religious reasons

  • Special dietary needs

  • Allergies or other considerations


Academic Enrichment

Elementary School Programs

0-2-Year Old Preschool Class

Children participate in art projects showcasing the seasons, numbers, holidays. They begin to recognize the colors, alphabets and numbers. They are quizzed daily on their phonics and enjoy morning circle time. The focus during this time is on language acquisition and potty-training primarily.


3-Year Old Preschool Class

Children at this stage learn how to write their own name, can read basic three letter words, count until 100 and know the seasons and can identify countries on a globe/map. Many of our children that have spent more than a year at the school are able to read/write at a second grade level. 


Transitional Kindergarten Class/Summer School Camp/Tutoring

Children at this stage​ are getting ready for interviews and elementary school enrollment. They are prepared to pass even the most rigorous of kindergarten entrance exams and many are well advanced in their psychosocial development. Our alumna network has been extremely successful and gained entrance into the top elementary programs in the area. Also, area specific tutoring programs are available in reading and math while children are in elementary or middle school.




Give us a call:

Heart & Hands
Lunch Break
Girl with Bento Box
Kindergarten Classroom
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